Hello 2006

This needs to be updated. Don't worry, we're working on it.
» Thursday, April 13 2006

A New TechFreaks posted by: Marcus @ 2:45PM You may have noticed that we haven't posted much news recently. Well the reason behind this is because we, at TechFreaks, are in the process of designing a new and better webpage to better serve everyone's needs. Stay tuned for more information!
» Sunday, March 12 2006

Elders Scrolls 5 Possibly In The Works posted by: Marcus @ 11:40PM An interview with one of the team members of the Elder Scrolls development team has revealed there is another team (from the same development company) working on the next Elder Scrolls title. Read the interview here.
God Of War 2 In Development posted by: Marcus @ 11:37PM GameCloud has an article that reveals God of War 2 is currently in development. Read the article here.
» Monday, March 6 2006

Playstation 3 Delayed posted by: Marcus @ 9:51PM In an interview with Howard Stinger, CEO of Sony, he has confirmed that the Playstation 3 is being targeted for a 2006 "holiday season" launch. This confirms the fear of Sony fans everywhere when a rumor had spread saying the Playstation 3 has been delayed. Read the interview at Variety.
Guitar Heroes Sequel Confirmed posted by: Marcus @ 9:48PM The makers of the ever so popular “Guitar Heroes” game have confirmed that as many as six other versions of the game are currently in the making. Planned 'expansions' include: "Country Rock" and "Metal Edition" as well as "Guitar Heroes 2." Read more about it at EuroGamer.
» Tuesday, February 28 2006

Why Windows Vista Won't Bomb posted by: Marcus @ 9:17PM
Next OPM To Feature Major PS3 Updates posted by: Marcus @ 9:15PM 1UP is running an article that is saying the next Official Playstation Magazine will feature some major Playstation 3 updates and other upcoming game news (God of War 2 anyone?). Read more about it here.
» Saturday, February 25 2006

The Next DS posted by: Marcus @ 11:27PM Kotaku has posted an interesting story regarding the next DS version coming out. Check it out here.
I just bought a DS to, why do I always let this happened to me?
Secret EA Black Code Leaked posted by: Marcus @ 11:26PM Those who pre-ordered the game Black got a special code to unlock a hidden gun known as the infamous 'BFG.' Now anyone who gets Black can enjoy this gun since the code has been leaked. Read more about it, and get the secret code, at Joystiq.
» Wednesday, February 22 2006

Ex-EA Employee Leaked Black? posted by: Marcus @ 10:49PM GameSpot's latest Rumor Control features a story about how Black, an upcoming Xbox/PS2 game, may have been leaked by an angry ex-employee. More information can be found here.
I vote for espionage, but that’s just me.
Resident Evil 4 PC Screens posted by: Marcus @ 10:45PM The first screenshots of the PC version of Resident Evil 4 have been released in which you can view them at GamePro. Resident Evil 4 is a direct port of the Gamecube version released last year.
I'm going to be frank; these don't look good at all.
» Sunday, February 19 2006

Playstation 3 To Cost $800 To Make? posted by: Marcus @ 11:03PM A couple of people at an investment firm decided to do some math and ended up estimating that Sony may end up paying up to $800 to produce just one Playstation 3. Read more about how they estimated this ridiculous price at Joystiq.
Every time a new console is set to come out, some investment firm ends up estimating the console at twice the amount it always ends up becoming. What makes this one different?
Battlefield 2142 Possibly In The Works posted by: Marcus @ 10:56PM A member of the DICE team behind the popular Battlefield series of games has hinted at the fact that a Battlefield 2142 is in production. Read more about it over at Shacknews.
If this is true, they better do it right.
» Thursday, February 16 2006

More Nintendo Leakage posted by: Marcus @ 10:11PM Some interesting magazine scans have popped up amongst the internet giving us some details on Nintendo's next console. Check out the scans at Go Nintendo.
Why does it say Perfect Dark at the top of the first scan?
PS3 Isn't Ready Yet posted by: Marcus @ 10:10PM Well...according to GameGossip that is. Apparently Sony wants to make sure they can handle the demand of the PS3 by delaying it until they believe they'll be ready to launch it. Read more about this here.
» Monday, February 13 2006

More Half-Life 2: Episode One Information posted by: Marcus @ 11:19PM Recently we posted an article detailing Valve's intentions to rename their expansion packs by episode number. Now Gamers Hell has posted an article stating Valve plans to release the expansion on Steam and we'll be playing Dr. Freeman once again instead of the rumored Alyx. More information can be found here.
First it was announced we would play as Alyx in Aftermath, now we are playing as Gordon in 'Episode One.' It's like they changed the entire expansion pack last minute...
Zelda: Twilight Princess Un-Delayed posted by: Marcus @ 11:16PM Zelda fans were heavily disappointed recently as they were told the upcoming Zelda: Twilight Princess game was delayed until November 1st. However Kotaku has informed us that the game has been un-delayed, back to its original date of April 1st. Read more about it, including the e-mail confirming it, here.
» Saturday, February 11 2006

Best NES Game Hack Of All Time posted by: Marcus @ 7:44PM VintageComputing.com has an interesting article on hacking Super Mario Brothers. Take a peak at it here.
Interesting, I shall look into this.
Half-Life 2 Going Episodic? posted by: Marcus @ 7:42PM Valve has changed the name of Half-Life 2: Aftermath, the first expansion pack to the Half-Life 2 series, to "Half-Life 2: Episode One." When Gamespot asked why, Doug Lombardi simply replied "episodic." More information can be found at Gamespot.
More episodes = more money.
» Friday, February 10 2006

Multiple Nintendo DS Announcements posted by: Marcus @ 8:21PM 1UP has the details of a few Nintendo DS announcements that Nintendo has recently surprised us with. Be sure to read more about them here.
One thing for sure, the kiosk idea is brilliant. Powered by Coranto
